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Publié : 04 févr. 2016, 09:52
par DarthNova


* Sous réserve de corrections/compléments/modifications


HELL ATTACK : (en l'air) :mp: > :mp:

PSYCHO AXE : :3: :hp:


PSYCHO BLAST : :4: (charge) :6: :p: ou :p: :p:

DOUBLE KNEE PRESS : :4: (charge) :6: :k: ou :k: :k:

HEAD PRESS : :2: (charge) :8: :k: ou :k: :k:

SOMERSAULT SKULL DIVER : (après l'impact du head press) :p:

DEVIL REVERSE : (avant l'impact du head press) :p:

PSYCHO INFERNO : :2: :1: :4: :p: ou :p: :p:

ULTIMATE PSYCHO CRUSHER : :2: :3: :6: (x2) :p: (fonctionne en l'air)

PSYCHO POWER : :hp: :hk:

PSYCHO REFLECT : :mp: :mk: (maintenir les boutons pour absorber le projectile adverse et le renvoyer)

PSYCHO BURST : (durant la garde) :6: :lp: :mp: :hp:

Re: M.Bison

Publié : 17 févr. 2016, 17:37
par DataIsKing

Anti airs:

cr. HP - shrinks his hurtbox, wins reliably. unfortunately doesn't work when kind of close, which makes his AA game a bit weak.
st. HK - nice and tall and gets cool crush counter combos. Doesn't shrink his hurtbox though which means it's prone to trading. Kind of mediocre.
CA - By far Bison's best anti air, comes out quick and wins clean at all jump ranges. Costs a lot of bar.
jump back LP (/LK) - Bison's only good anti air from close. Better than nothing, barely.
EX inferno - moves Bison forward quite a lot, hits behind him. It even still hits if bison trades. A fantastic anti-crossup.
n.j. hell attack - good damage but not super fast and only works at a particular range. Rewarding.

Punish combos:

st. HK, cr. MP xx MP inferno (214 damage, 320 stun)
d/f HP, cr. MP xx EX burst, EX inferno (312, 415) - I couldn't find a good 1 bar combo but this 2 bar combo could be situationally useful. Unfortunately cr. MP doesn't combo to EX burst after st. HK, it's too far, so you have to use his slower starter.
st. HK, cr. MP xx MP inferno xx CA (445, 320)

Punish combos USING V-trigger:

st. HP xx HK scissor xx trigger, cr. MP xx inferno (281, 370)
st. HP xx HK scissor xx trigger, cr. MP xx inferno xx EX stomp (371, 470) - usually worth the meter, 1 bar for 90 damage is fantastic in combos
st. HP xx HK scissor xx trigger, cr. MP xx LK scissor xx EX stomp (411, 525) - Rarely worth it but I show the combo off anyway because the avenue for 2 bars is so much different than for one.

His v-trigger CA combo is only 1 damage higher, do the above CA combo IMO.

Punish combos IN V-trigger:

st. HK, cr. MP xx inferno (238, 320)
st. HK, cr. MP xx inferno xx EX stomp (364, 460)
st. HK, cr. MP xx LK scissor xx EX inferno xx EX stomp (428, 545)
st. HK, cr. MP xx inferno xx CA (469, 320)

Crush counter punishes:

Bison can do either crush counter st. HK, d/f+HP, cr. MP or crush counter st. HK, st. HP as starters for all previously listed combos.

Ranged Punishes:

st. HP xx HP inferno (179, 240)
st. HP xx HP inferno xx CA (416, 222)
st. HP xx HK scissor xx trigger, cr. MP xx inferno xx EX stomp (371, 470) - this combo does 281, 370 without the EX, which is still worth v-trigger, but the EX bar is pretty much always worth it.

Confirm combos:

Bison's combos starting from st. HK and d/f+HP also function as confirms. He can also confirm with st. MP, a faster and less committal normal.

Bison's strings generally confirm into cr. MP, which has radically different Trigger combos.

Confirm combos (light normals):

cr. LK, cr. LP, st. LK xx LK scissor (120, 259)
cr. LK, cr. LP xx CA (311, 133)
(trigger) cr. LK, cr. LP, st. LK xx burst xx EX scissor (243, 379)

Note that shorter confirms leave bison closer, which may be considered preferable to the higher damage and confirm time of longer confirms.

Non CC punish CC confirms:

Both of Bison's crush counters are safe and can be used to fish for counter hits. Whichever one you use, you can then link into the other then link cr. MP. Alternatively, either links straight into st. HP for HK scissor into v-trigger combos.

counter hit BnBs:

cr. LP/st. LP/st. LK, cr. MP
cr. MP, st. LK
st. MP, st. MK
st. MK, st. LK

midair connect and juggles:

hell attack, psycho burst - MK and HK scissor kick work but are unreliable. LK scissor kick works and is reliable but is harder than psycho burst
hell attack, psycho burst, CA
(trigger) hell attack, inferno xx EX stomp - it looks really inconsistent but actually if you do the inferno as early as possible it works pretty reliably and if the inferno hits the EX stomp always seems to.

Bison can get cool looking OTGs with v-trigger stomp but the opponent can just quick stand to get out of every setup.

Re: M.Bison

Publié : 19 févr. 2016, 22:49
par psychogore
J'ai 2 questions qui me taraudent :

Pourquoi le target shadow-axe ne combotte pas ? (rappel : :mp: -> :3: :hp:) J'ai beau essayer, ça ne combotte jamais, alors que sur cette video :
, à 2'30" on le voit combotter sans counter hit sur le :mp: ?!

Quel est l'interet des versions :mp: et :hp: du psycho blast ? Les 3 versions du coup font les memes dégats, ont la même (courte) portée, et font toutes tomber. Quel est donc la propriété qui justifie un startup plus long sur les versions :mp: et :hp: ?

Re: M.Bison

Publié : 20 févr. 2016, 11:08
par justframe
pour la premiere question il faut se mettre en max range(le plus loin possible de l adversaire) ;D ,mais ça reste difficile comeme...

Re: M.Bison

Publié : 20 mars 2016, 19:23
par zeus099
salut les gars, dite l'attaque "CA" c'est quoi déjà ?

Re: M.Bison

Publié : 20 mars 2016, 19:24
par Agalnarok
ULTIMATE PSYCHO CRUSHER : :2: :3: :6: (x2) :p: (fonctionne en l'air)

Re: M.Bison

Publié : 20 mars 2016, 19:47
par zeus099
merci 8)