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Je n'ai pas vu de Topic sur le forum concernant le nouveau linker MVS en développement par BACKBIT.
Apparemment le temps de chargement va mettre ko le neosd et le linker darksoft.
Les précommandes sont ouvertes pour un 1er batch en avril : https://store.backbit.io/product/backbit-platinum-mvs/
Descriptif sur le site :
The BackBit Platinum Cartridge is a fast loading cartridge for the Neo Geo MVS system. Now available as a pre-order with an exclusive discount until January 31st, 2025. All original games and features are supported, including multiplayer link ports not found on other multi-carts. Loads any game from MicroSD in under 12 seconds. See more details below.
NOTE THAT THIS IS A PRE-ORDER: The first batch of cartridges is expected to ship around April 2025. Orders will be processed in the order received.